Tavi Algueró
Castellfollit de la Roca, (1963)
Just like everybody, from a tender age drawing was a very important form of expression for me. But unlike what tends to happen, instead of leaving it behind as I entered adulthood, I continued with my pursuit until it became a major hobby, indeed my profession.
In terms of my education, I am basically self-taught. This means that gradually, over the years and with hours and hours of work on paper, I have forged my own quite personal style. It is humorous and features striking, simple lines in terms of both my ideas and the marks I make on paper. It is accessible for everyone, from children to an adult audience.
This way of doing things has enabled me to diversify my professional services and reach different realms and sectors of society.
I illustrate stories and design educational and popular publications, advertising, the press, characters for websites, room decorations, posters, postcards, informative sheets, prints for clothing... Another major part of my work is filling private personalised commissions to hang on walls.
Alternating with all these creative undertakings I also hold exhibitions, either collective, group or individual. Perhaps within the diversity of my work the most different area is the design and construction of large-scale characters in 3-D, such as gegants (giants), cavallets (horse figures), cabeçuts (big-heads) and other figures from our Catalan cultural tradition.
I also convey the knowledge I have gradually gained throughout my professional career by teaching classes in illustration and comics to people of many different ages who are interested in improving their creative skills through drawing.